Happy World communication and Public Relation Day
17 May

.The main goal of World Telecommunications Day (WTD) is to highlight the importance of communication and how information travels across the world
World Telecommunications Day celebrates the constant evolution of one of the most important factors of our lives: communication. The main goal of World Telecommunications Day (WTD) is to highlight the importance of communication and how information travels across the world. It also aims to increase awareness of how crucial communication is in our lives, and stimulate the development of technologies in the field.The World Telecommunications Day is in tight connections with the International Telegraph Union (ITU), the committee formed in 1865 to support the emerging communication methods of the time. ITU was present throughout all the great breakthroughs in communication ,the invention of the telephone in 1876, the launch of the first satellite in 1957, and, ultimately, the birth of the Internet in the 60s.Even though The International Telegraph Union has since changed its name to International Telecommunications Union, it still remains the most important entity in the field of communications, thus remaining in the spotlight at
World Telecommunications Day.